phpmyadmin lc_messages

lc_messages can be set at server startup and has global and session values that can be modified at runtime. Thus, the error message language can be changed while the server is running, and individual clients each can have a different error message ...

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  • See the phpMyAdmin configuration storage section in this document to see the benefits of t...
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  • lc_messages can be set at server startup and has global and session values that can be mod...
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    php - #1193 - Unknown system variable 'lc_messages' ...
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  • Creating a database is not a problem. But phpMyAdmin displays the following error: SET lc_...
    phpMyAdmin, lc_massages error - DirectAdmin Forums
  • We could do better and invoke SET lc_messages = 'locale'; based on language used i...
    Show MySQL error messages in user language · Issue #11789 · ...
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    SQL error lc_messages 'es_ES' - Bugs - The Uniform ...